6 Word Memoir Doodle


I think the doodling was a good way to simply combine all my thoughts and feelings towards some of the 6 word memoirs. I found by having the freedom to draw and write whatever I wanted that I wasn’t as pressured for it to be done “right”. By doing this I realized that 6 word memoirs can be anything you want them to be. Some that I read were funny, others were more personal, some were more judgemental to society as a whole and some even ryhmed. The cool part about these to me is that they can be such personal life experiences or thoughts, while at the same time keeping it short and simple.

PA1: Carly


These are a few pictures of my baby sister Carly. I tried to think of the things that were important to me and I realized how much joy Carly has brought to my life in the past 9 months.

My mom got re married a couple years ago with someone I’m not necessarily a fan of but he makes her happy so it’s okay. So when she told me that she was pregnant to be honest I really didn’t think much of it. I was 15 at the time and already had a younger sister, I was excited because they were excited. It wasn’t until May 9th, the day Carly was born, that I realized how much I really cared.

I remember holding her for the first time and thinking to myself how tiny and beautiful she was. She held my finger and I remember looking down at her and just staring at her little fingers wrapped around mine and I honestly had never felt so happy. 9 months later she still never fails to bring a smile on my face even if I’m having the worst day. Somedays all I look forward to is going home to her and hearing her laugh. Her favourite show is Bubble Guppies and she thinks turning your head to the side and sticking your tongue out is the funniest thing in the world. She chews and drools on pretty much anything she can so much that her nickname is Drool Monster.

I guess having her in my life has made me realize how insignificant the bad things that happen are. I also think in a way she has made me a better person, she taught me a love that no one else could. She also made me realize how much I love kids and that it’s something I want to do as career in some way. Everyday she continues to learn and grow and I feel so lucky to watch her grow up and call her my sister.

Reading Reflection


Paper Towns
John Green
Page 158

Q. The more I read this novel, the more intrigued and confused I am. The way Margo has suddenly disappeared and left Quentin with these clues has got me more lost then ever. I think the main question I have right now is will Quentin find Margo? And if he does what then? Will she be able to recover from the strings inside her that have snapped?

P. If I were to have been asked to make a prediction prior to reading, it would have been something like Margo and Quentin become more then just friends. Now, my prediction is that Quentin does find Margo alive somewhere and hopefully is able to find the meaning behind her actions.

C. One thing that really stood out to me while reading this novel is when Margo is talking to Quentin about everyone being “demented with the mania of owning things” (pg 57). She talks about how where she lives is a “paper town” and how when you take a step back how fake it all really is. This is something I can understand because I sometimes feel this way about the world. When Margo looks at the town she says “all those paper people living in paper houses, burning the future to stay warm”. This is the quote that made me really able to relate with Margo and her way of thinking to a point because it’s so true. It feels like nowadays the world is so caught up in buying things and having a nice house and a nice car etc. that no ones really living anymore. I think in this chapter is where I realized that maybe Margo isn’t as crazy as she seems.

As I read Paper Towns I’m finding more and more similarities between this novel and some of John Green’s other novels but I’m also finding some differences. In relation to Looking for Alaska, I found that they both are novels revolving around the mystery of a girl. However, as I read more I realize that this particular mystery with Margo is in so many ways more intricate then Alaska’s. Another difference is the love aspect. In Paper Towns the connection between Quentin and Margo isn’t exactly focused on his love for her although he has admitted his feelings to himself. In Green’s other novels I sometimes found myself bored whereas Paper Towns has been able to keep me on my toes the whole time so far.

Quickwrite #2 3 Things Worth Living For


1. Love/Friendship. Any form of love or friendship you come across throughout your life makes life worth something. Every person met is important because they all bring out something different in yourself. Some will make you smile or laugh until you cry, some will bring out the best in you and others the worst. Knowing you’re loved and cared about by someone in the world is something worth smiling about.

2. Travel. An important part to life in my opinion is travelling, experiencing everything the world has to offer. Taking a break from your day to day life to explore somewhere unknown. By doing so you realize how relatively insignificant little things like getting cut off in traffic truly are.

3. The simple things. Whether it be waking up in the morning and going for a run, or enjoying the scent of a new book, or making a cup of tea while watching the rain, it’s the simple things in life that make you happy that are the most important.

All About Me

Hi, my name is Brittany and I am a senior at Sturgeon Heights Collegiate. I have lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba my whole life and currently live with my mom, her husband and my two younger sisters. Some interests of mine include running, shopping and hanging out with friends.